Background: Yeast is an inseparable ingredient in the process of making bread dough. One of the ingredients that affect the quality of bread is yeast used. Yeast is a kind of organism that comes from a sugar-eating fungus compatriot with the Latin name Saccharomyces Cerevisieae which will produce CO2 in the process of making bread dough and the CO2 will be captured or trapped by gluten so that the bread can expand quickly. Yeast is a single-celled eukaryotic organism and reproduces by dividing, the main function of yeast is to develop bread dough. The yeast that has been used by the public in general is instant yeast because of its ability to develop bread dough very quickly, easily found in the market and at an affordable price, usually instant yeast is sold in sachets.
In this experiment, the author uses instant yeast with the brand Fermipan as the main ingredient, Fermipan is a yeast brand produced in France and has been widely known by bakers in various countries in the world. As stated on the Fermipan packaging, Fermipan has a composition, namely: yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisieae), emulsifier (sorbitan monostearate E491).
Good quality bread can be seen from the level of swellability and texture of the bread produced. Therefore, good instant yeast is very important to note to produce good quality bread as well. The selection of instant yeast brands also needs to be considered. This also affects the way of storage and the duration of storage on the working process of instant yeast, especially with the Fermipan brand.
Orientation & Research Method: In writing this paper, the author is interested in knowing more about the effect of storage time on the working process of instant yeast. The problems raised in this experiment are: (1) what are the characteristics of a good instant yeast? (2) How does storage time affect the working process of instant yeast? This research is a type of field research. By using method experiment conducted by researchers to test something to be studied. In this experiment, two sources were used, namely primary and secondary. Primary data sources are data retrieval based on experiments such as materials used in testing instant yeast with the Fermipan brand, and secondary data sources obtained from research journals and articles from the internet related to the effect of storage time on the working process of instant yeast.
Theoretical Basis: According to Mudjajanto Eddy Setyo and Lilik Noor Yulianti (2009: 25), there are three types of yeast, namely wet yeast, active dry yeast, and instant yeast, the most famous being the Fermipan brand. The characteristics of good yeast are cold to the touch, creamy in color, small and clean, and smells delicious like apples. The way to find out which yeast is still active is to mix 5 grams of instant yeast, 50 grams of warm water, and 10 grams of sugar which are mixed well, then if the yeast produces froth then the quality of the yeast is still good and can be consumed. Yeast also has many benefits, not only in the world of bread, but also benefits for the health of the body and face. Among them are ingredients for making cakes and breads, ingredients for making tapai, curing acne, rich in protein and so on.
The experiment carried out in writing this paper used Fermipan yeast with three experiments with the same yeast, namely the remaining yeast from the first experiment which was reused in the second and third experiments, with the difference in storage time of yeast stored in a jar with a tight lid. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of storage time on the working process of instant yeast with the Fermipan brand. The experimental method is quite easy, namely by testing the yeast stored for several days in warm water and seeing how the reaction / foam from the yeast.
Research Results: In the first experiment, there was a lot of foam in the yeast, which indicates the yeast is still in good quality and good for consumption. Then in the second experiment, after the yeast was stored for three days from the first experiment, the yeast experienced a reduction in foam, but it was still safe for consumption. Meanwhile, in the last experiment, which was seven days after the first experiment, the yeast experienced a very large reduction in froth, which in the sense that this yeast was dead or could not be consumed anymore, this was the result of long storage which affected the work process of Fermipan instant yeast.
Suggestions: According to the author, from the experimental results on the effect of storage on the work process of instant yeast, it can be seen how to store good yeast, namely by storing yeast that has been opened in a closed container/jar, not exposed to air, and not exposed to direct sunlight. And instant yeast that has been opened should be used immediately and not stored for more than three days, so that the yeast is still in good condition, not dead yeast, and good for consumption.
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