
  • Naila Baita Fakhriya Hidana MA Unggulan K.H. Abd. Wahab Hasbulloh


A lot of tomatoes were found in tropics, one of them in Indonesia. There are many tomato famers in Tulungagung. From this, there are several media outlets that support plant growth of tomato plants the use of a solution of MSG. Many people who knew nothing of the use of other MSG benefits. A lot of research which proves that MSG or vetsin influence in expedite the growth of plants. Because communities are generally only use regular water as a medium basin without realizing that MSG solusition can be used as a substitute for regular water with a view to fast. The formulation of a problem covering understanding Monosodium Glutamate and explanations of the influence of the difference the use of a solution of monospodium glutamate and regular water on the growth of tomato plants (Solanum lycoprsicum).

There are two types of research, namely field research (Field Research) to reach the actual data sources and library research (Library Research) to collect and analyze library data through journals. The research carried out has 2 things, namely field research to reach actual data sources and library research to collect and analyze library data through journals. One of the sources of data obtained through journals about the effect of giving monosodium glutamate on the growth of chili plants (Capsicum frutescens I.). Primary sources needed are MSG or vetsin, tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), water (H2O), humus soil, solid soil (clay), husk charcoal, and polybags. Several references used to collect observations about the effect of differences between the used of Monosodium Glutamate solution and regular water on the growth of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum). And also, one of the books in the library of MA Unggulan KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbulloh and the title is “Produksi Benih”, which was written by Dr. Ir. Wahyu Qamara Mugnisjah, MAgr and Ir. Asep Setiawan, MS.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) is a sodium salt of glutamic acid that is one amino acid non-esensial most abundant natural. A lot of the functions of used of MSG in daily life, that is generally used as flavoring food, one of these is the food wetness or dryness. In addition to these functions, MSG can also be used for the growth of crops. The influence of MSG on the growth of tomato plants started one of them is stimulate of flowering directly because affects differentiation/the development of the cells of plants. In terms of its chemical structure, MSG is no different from the amino acid glutamate. The metabolism of glutamate in MSG will not be different from that of glutamic acid. As for glutamic acid including charged amino acids (polar) together with aspartic acid. The use of flower-stimulating hormones, namely auxin hormones, cytokinins, and gibberellins, can be replaced with monosodium glutamate in mature plants. Another thing about MSG that can be utilized is that it is used as fertilizer to add nutrients such as sodium and potassium. The selected plant is tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) which is one of the horticultural crops with high economic value and also contains substances that are useful for the human body, namely vitamins C, A, and minerals. Tomatoes can be grown both in the lowlands and highlands. This plant requires loose soil, nests, rich humus, and a pH of 5-6, however, clay containing a little sand is more suitable. Tomatoes are sensitive to excess or lack of nutrients, especially nitrogen. The optimum air temperature for tomatoes is 18-25° C.

The The research procedure that needs to be considered when mixed several ingredients include husk charcoal, humus soil and also solid soil or clay with the aim that the plants to be planted grow perfectly and do not wither. Practicum conducted in the field, namely experimental research used MSG and plain water on tomato plants yielded several explanations. If a plant splashed with a solution of monosodium glutamate is 2 things that happened is that if a tomato plant splashed with MSG when I first planted or to germinate and grow the crops will slow for 3 until 5 days before grow and in 2 until 3 day they will quickly wither, this is because plants are still not strong enough to receive an additional material before it grows and also in the hormone giberelin embedded on MSG if in they wrong or excessive force would result in the plant was forced to continue to flowering and the growth of the leaf buds which will also to the growth of interest will obstructed so as. Plants will die.

On the other hand, if tomato plants are watered with a solution of MSG when they are about 2-3 weeks old, they will grow fast and the stems will start to grow because the sodium content in vetsin can bind water which can then be directly absorbed by the plant and also the sodium content in vetsin. Vetsin can also strengthen plant resistance. If the plants are watered with regular water as usual, the growth yield will not change significantly compared to watered with MSG solution, maybe 1-2 weeks the tomato plants will start to appear. And also, there is no special influence of chemical substances that can affect the rapid growth of tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum). Some suggestions about the use of MSG in plants because later it will inhibit plant growth. In addition, in this experiment, I hope that later watered with MSG solution will be cultivated in addition to watered the plants with regular water with the aim of make it easier and faster for fruit and vegetable growers to grow their plants. As well as being able to become a useful media for the surrounding environment and not using this media is detrimental to the surrounding environment.


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