
  • Al Misse Syarivatul Sukma Pramesti MA Unggulan K.H. Abd. Wahab Hasbulloh


The background of this research is because the author sees the increasing popularity  and  militancy  of  fans  of  Korean  dramas  and  K-pop  nowadays, especially among teenagers in Indonesia or commonly called hallyu. This does not escape happening to teenagers in Indonesia who are or live in Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding school is a place inhabited by several people who are usually called Santri. Islamic boarding schools are also famous places with all the limitations that limit their students in various ways. However, with today's increasingly sophisticated technology, as well as the younger generation in Indonesia who are required to be able to take advantage of the current technological sophistication, global cultures are increasingly developing which will  indirectly  have  an  impact  on  various  sectors  in  various  walks  of  life, including social change, and in terms style of life. Lifestyle itself, it is one of the impacts of globalization.

The meaning of globalization is a process that is already global. Globalization is also a process that shows the increasing interconnectedness of people and people around the world through trade, investment, travel, popular culture, communication networks, and other forms of interaction. Social change can occur at every level of society. Changes that occur in society include changes in social norms, social patterns, social interaction, behavior patterns, social organization, social institutions, and the structure of power and authority. In this study,  an  example  of  social  change  that  the  author  mentions  is  a  change  in lifestyle. Lifestyle change is a way of life identified by how people spend their time (activities), what they consider important in their environment (interests), and what they think about themselves and the world around them (opinions).

The formulation of the problem that will be discussed in this study is about the meaning of K-pop and Korean drama, and also about the lifestyle changes that occur in students at PPP Al Fatimiyyah as a result of Korean dramas. This study uses a qualitative method, and focuses on 10 respondents who are fans of K-pop, Korean dramas, or fans of both. This study also uses several sources of data, both primary and secondary. in the form of an interviewwith students at PPP Al Fathimiyyah and also distributing questionnaires and using references in the form of scientific research, books, and the internet.

Lifestyle changes can occur because of a process of imitation. Imitation is the urge to  imitate others.  Imitation does not  take place automatically but is influenced by an attitude of acceptance and admiration of what is being imitated. An example of this is like teenagers in Indonesia who imitate Korean culture through watching Korean dramas and K-pop. Korean dramas and K-pop are examples of popular culture. While the notion of popular culture itself is a series of entertainment tools and is a product that is traded for material interests for the purpose of seeking profit, although sometimes on the other hand, popular culture is created for other purposes as well as interests in creating a type of political culture. Meanwhile, according to the KBBI, popular culture is a culture that is known and favored by most people in general, is relevant to the needs of today's society, and is easy to understand and apply in everyday life. Popular culture itself is also known as mass culture or mass culture. This is because this culture is usually caused by the mass media. This goes back to globalization which is the main cause of this.

The results and discussion of this study regarding lifestyle changes that occur in adolescents and students who are fans of Korean dramas and K-pop at PPP Al Fathimiyyah are as follows. As we have discussed in chapter three regarding lifestyle changes due to Korean dramas and K-pop in adolescents, namely changes in clothing fashion, hair fashion, accessories or items used, how to  eat,  drink,  and  the  food  consumed,  learning  methods,  speech  styles,  and thoughts about beauty standards. Like teenagers who are non-Islamic boarding schools, teenagers or students who are in Islamic boarding schools also experience this. As I have researched and discussed in the previous chapter regarding this, I can mention that not all Korean drama and K-pop fans experience all the changes above. From several questionnaires that have been filled out by several respondents,  and  several  interviews  that  have  been  conducted  with  several students at PPP Al Fathimiyyah regarding this, the results obtained are that they think that not all the changes that I mentioned had occurred to them.

It can be concluded that popular culture in the form of K-pop and Korean dramas can cause changes in fans, both small-scale and large-scale changes. However, not all Korean culture fans experience lifestyle changes and also the most important advice from  the author, namely that we as the next generation of the nation must continue to love the culture of our country and preserve the cultures that exist in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Pramesti, A. M. S. S. (2023). DAMPAK DRAMA KOREA DAN K-POP TERHADAP PERUBAHAN GAYA HIDUP SANTRI DI PPP AL-FATHIMIYYAH BAHRUL`ULUM TAMBAKBERAS JOMBANG. El-Hijaz, 1(2), 120–137. Retrieved from https://ojs.mauwh.sch.id/index.php/hj/article/view/10


